
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Our Library Bag #2

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We're rather veracious readers in our house so I thought that it would be fun to highlight a few of the gems we've brought home from the library.  Here's just a small sampling from this week's bag:

Catherine and  I started the first Boxcar Children book together as a read-aloud.  I loved these books as a child!  I literally read every single one.  (It looks like you can get the Audible edition for free right now.)  I just might be hoping that she will want to do a lot of more of these as read-alouds.

Magic Tree House #6 finally came in at the library, and it was quickly devoured.  Along with #7.  Now we're working on Midnight on the Moon.

Woody, Hazel, and Little Pip is a sweet little adventure book.  The illustrations are lovely.  I've added a few of Beskow's other books to my holds list based upon this book.

Rarely does a week go by without checking out something from the Dr. Suess section.  This week it's Wacky Wednesday.

While not technically in our library bag, since we own it, this is another book that we've been reading.  I'm not sure that I'm ready to introduce Charlotte's Web at this stage, but this book is quite a delightful read-aloud by the same author.  

There's quite a few more books that we currently have checked out.  We are holding steady-ish right now at 32 items on loan.


  1. I love the library! Not sure if they love me quite as much, as I have SO many books on loan and am always requesting holds. Hey, I'm keeping them in a job as they want to install a self-service checkout machine!
    We love the Boxcar Children, but didn't read past #19 as this is the last one the orginal author wrote. After that, it became a bit of a franchise.
    Love, love Elsa Beskow - we own most of her books.
    Enjoy your reading!

    1. Yes! I'm not sure whether my library loves me or hates me. I have new holds come in just about every day. The library is only about a block off the main road that we drive on every day, so it's easy to stop in at least once or twice a week.

      I'm rather OCD about reading series in order, so just like when I was a kid we'll start with the originals. They definitely aren't quite as good past the "real" ones, but I remember enjoying the rest (although I think they became way more formulaic).
      Beskow was a happy find! :-)

  2. We love Magic Treehouse. We got an audiobook set from our library and my five year old is enjoying it.

  3. We got The Boxcar Children from the library a few weeks back and my daughter read it 3 times in a row, she loved it so much!! Sadly, our library didn't have the second one available and for some reason she never got interested in reading the ones beyond that... I think it's just because they were hardbacks, and she seems to enjoy reading paperbacks better, now that I think of it! Maybe I just need to get them for our shelves at home :)

  4. Oh man, I used to LOVE The Boxcar Children. And I STILL love a good Dr. Seuss! ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!