
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

WIPS: Too Many Tails!

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Who else has a bajillion Works In Progress at the moment?  I'm only sharing a few today, but believe me there are many more spread throughout my house!

I have some crochet pattern reviews coming up this week that I think you will enjoy.  (There will also be giveaways so make sure to check back soon!) On a few of these I just need to finish weaving in the ends.  Oh, tails!  How do I hate thee?  Let me count the ways!

I love color.  I do.  Sadly though, the more colors a project has the more tails there are at the end.

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I will be sharing with Small Things and Frontier Dreams.


  1. You have some beautiful WIPs! Like you, I have too many lying about the house and really need to finish some up! Thanks for visiting my blog today - just a heads up about The Magician trilogy - it can get a bit spicy with language and theme so if you don't enjoy that at all I'd give it a pass - but the story is indeed quite un-putdownable.... I just didn't want to lead you down the garden path with the Harry Potter reference, as it's not appropriate at all for kids! 😳

  2. I'm starting to think having a ton of WIP's is what makes you a crocheter... But maybe that's just my excuse! I'm with you on those ends, Rachel - I always think "done" with the last stitch, and tend to set it aside for days until I get to the tails.


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