
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

WIPS: Sick and Knitting

I've been feeling a bit under the weather these past couple of days.  The kids have been good though, they've been letting me sit on the couch and just be.  I've used some of this extra couch time to start another knitting project. (Of course!  What's one more?)  I've also been looking through the drafts folder of my blog.  I can't believe how many posts there are that only need a slight tweak and then will be ready to be published.  (A lot just need a picture or two.)  Reminds me a lot of my WIPS box . . . hmmm.  There's a lesson in there for me somewhere.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for crochet hooks and a Happily Hooked subscription!  It ends at the end of January and entries are still pretty low.

How's your week going?

Sharing at Frontier Dreams and Small Things.


  1. I hope you feel better. Some knitting time is usually a good remedy!

  2. I'm managing NOT to catch the nasty bug my daughter has (so far). I'm in the same boat about blog posts too. I'm realizing I need to make "next step" notes on a lot of my ideas, or they're never going to get published!

  3. How nice that your kids are being good for you! Enjoy the down time and feel better soon!

  4. Aw hope you feel better soon. I think knitting on the couch is probably the best way to get well. Maybe with a nice hot cup of tea and some chocolate, purely medicinal of course... ;)

  5. We are feeling the weather here too, it's feeling us too because we are getting dumped on right now. I hope you are feeling better, just take it easy and knit. That's what I am doing only I am working to finish up all the WIPs.Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you feel better soon. Love the project :-)

  6. i was looking at a video from wak that show this stitch. i want to try it pretty soon - craftyone

  7. I can completely understand your draft folder/WIP box dilemma. I made a resolution this year though to complete more projects, start to finish including my publishing. Good luck with your projects! Hat looks neat :)


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