
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Yikes!  It's been awhile since I've shared a Works in Progress post!

My Traveling Woman Shawl got put on the back burner during our move.  (Technically, it was in the TV console drawer.)  I finally got it back out a couple of days ago and have made quite a bit of progress.  It's my first knitted shawl project and I think I'm going to like it!

I cast off Catherine's In Threes Sweater, I just need to block it and add buttons.  I LOVE how it turned out.  I totally understand why this pattern came so highly recommended.  The String Theory Yarn is so soft and such a great color -- it just is perfect!

I also recently whipped up a Star Wars purse as a gift; unfortunately, I did neglect to take a picture.  I've got some other sewing projects on my table.  I'm hoping the kids will give me some peace this afternoon to cut out another Julia Cardigan.

So many crafts, so little time.

I'll be linking up at Small Things and Frontier Dreams.  

I'd also like to extend an invitation to you to join me at my Yarn Fanatic Party.


  1. You will love your Traveling Woman Shawl. I made one a few years ago, and it is the shawl I wear most!

  2. The sweater is such a gorgeous colour and the shawl is going to be splendid.


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