Welcome to the Yarn Fanatic Party! This is a place to share your yarn-y projects, support other makers, and even enter a giveaway. What does your week look like? I'm starting the process of packing up my craft room. I'm going to cull my stash a bit. Any tips on where/how to sell my extra yarn and fabric? I have some good stuff that I just don't think that I will ever use.
I love the bright coral color of this lovely crocheted shawl.
Don't forget to visit and follow my co-host, Alexandra of EyeLoveKnots, she shares fun details such as who was the most clicked at the last party.
Enter to win a Red Heart Prize Pack! (More information can be found here.)
Must be 18+. US only. Void where prohibited. Social media is not affiliated with this giveaway. Winner my respond to my email within 48 hours or a new winner will be drawn.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Link up Your Projects!
What have you created with yarn? It could be something you crocheted, knitted, or anything that used yarn. It can be a new project or an old one. (I would appreciate it though if it had not been linked up to a previous Yarn Fanatic Party.) I can't wait to see what you've created!I would appreciate it very much if you:
- Add my Yarn Fanatic Party button to your post or party page.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!