Welcome to another Yarn Fanatic Party! I'm so glad that you're here! This is a place to share your yarn-y projects, see what other has been creating, support one another, and enter a little giveaway.
There were so many beautiful projects linked up last week. As you know, I have a love of bright colors, so this blanket by Lunamon Design simply makes me happy.
I also love these adorable Summer Sandals! (This is a paid pattern, but it seems quite reasonably priced.)
Both Eye Love Knots and The Philosopher's Wife have been busy too! Did you see Alexandra's new (free) washcloth pattern? Or my latest Giraffe & Elephant?
Don't forget that you can get lots of supplies from Amazon, including yarn. (Also, if you use any of the Amazon links from my blog I get a small percentage of your purchase. It doesn't cost you anything extra, but it helps me earn a few pennies. I greatly appreciate it when you use these affiliate links. Thanks so much!)
This week's giveaway is sponsored by The Philosopher's Wife: Giveaways Galore. This is a blog where you will find all types of crafty giveaways. There are lots of giveaway blogs out there, but this one is special, check it out for yourself!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Link up your projects!
What have you created with yarn? It could be something you crocheted, knitted, or anything that used yarn. It can be a new project or an old one. (I would appreciate it though if it had not been linked up to a previous Yarn Fanatic Party.) I can't wait to see what you've created!
The only rule is that everything you link to must be family friendly. I would appreciate it very much if you:
- Add my Yarn Fanatic Party button to your post or party page.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!