
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WIWW: 34 Weeks Pregnant

Remember folks, this isn't so much of a "fashion" post, as a "baby bump record".  Also, remember my selfies are terrible.  And for some reason they are even worse than usual today! Speaking of which, this is actually the best shot I got this morning.  (Why in the world is it so bad!?!?!)  

I'm not going to bother trying to get a better picture right now, because the Olympics are on!  Check out Baby though!  He's totally popping out more these days!  I definitely feel like I've grown a bit in the past week.  I'll be completely honest, while I completely want him to stay in until full term, I am so ready for him to get out!

My hubby found my missing earrings!  These are some of my favorite every day earrings.  (I received them in exchange for a review a while ago.)  Aren't they pretty?

Here's something fashioned related for your toddlers!  Check out this giveaway for a child's belt that I'm hosting.  It's a great product and probably will have fairly low entries, so if you have little ones (or know someone who does) you should enter. 

I'll be linking up at The Pleated Poppy and I Feel Pretty.

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