
Friday, November 22, 2013

7 Quick Takes

1. I really dislike, I might even go so far as to say hate, when my sweet little girl is sick.  I'd rather be sick twice over and have her be happy and healthy.

The Sick Child by Edvard Munch
2. Thanksgiving is next week!?!?!?  How did that happen?  Hopefully Catherine will be better very quickly; obviously just because I want her to be healthy, but also in a minor way because I had plans for quite a few Thanksgiving themed crafts that I think she'd enjoy.

3. I have a fun blog post all written up just waiting for pictures.  Sadly, this particular post will be waiting for a while since Catherine misplaced the item that needs photographing.  (In her defense, I did give it to her . . . at the beginning of the summer!)

4. Yes, I am behind.  On pretty much everything.

5. I saw this article, stating that GAP will be saying "Merry Christmas!" this year.  I, for one, think that this is great!
Original Source: Unknown
Where I found it.
6. Random question for all of my fellow bloggers -- did you notice a decline in your page views after Google Reader abandoned us?  It happened roughly at the same time as my big move so I wasn't sure if there was a correlation with GR or just my lack of posts, but a few other bloggers have been talking about this and I was curious.

7. Please enter this awesome Hobby Lobby Giveaway!  (There will be TWO WINNERS.  It ends December 2, 2013 and is open to US residents.)  If you win and don't want the prize I will gladly take it off of your hands.  (Just kidding . . . well, sorta.)

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