
Friday, November 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Halloween Recap

1. Happy Solemnity of All Saints!

2. My girl was an adorable Princess last night.  Due to the never-ending-won't-go-away-morning-sickness I took a somewhat lazy approach to her costume: we already had everything.  I think it worked though.

3. So, we rarely, and I do mean rarely, allow Catherine to have candy so her little haul could probably last her until next Halloween.  (Unless Mommy and Daddy raid the stash . . .)

4. Her favorite item of the night:

5. So last night's Mommy Fail was when I got us lost and accidentally brought the Princess to the same house twice.  Whoops.

6. Conversation I was not ready to have this morning:
        Catherine: Did you eat the Baby?
        Me: No.
        Catherine: Then how did the Baby get into your tummy?

7. There was another big exciting thing that happened for our little family yesterday.  The Philosopher (a.k.a. my hubby) now officially has the title of "Doctor"!


  1. I had a boy come to trick or treat twice and, when he realized that he'd already been here, refused a second hand-out. I gave it to him anyway, for fortitude on a rainy Halloween night.

    And congrats on your hubby's PhD! I know (from first hand experience) the toll it takes on a family, so you are to be commended for whatever virtues you were required to display through it all.


  2. My kids got spider rings at school and they're in love with them, too - go figure!

  3. Congrats to your hubby! I know he's thrilled (and glad it is done).

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