
Friday, March 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday

I'd like to invite all of my readers (again) to this On-line Auction to Benefit Washington, a young African boy currently living in an orphanage.  

We didn't have much of a winter here, no "real" snow and honestly not that much can't-feel-your-toes weather, but I am ready for spring!

You have to check out my sister's post on how to "paint" with glow sticks.  She's pretty awesome with a camera!  I wish that we lived closer so that we could have more fun together.

Being a Stay at Home Mom is not always easy.  However, it does give me the freedom to discover that one of my library books is due that day, cannot be renewed, but needs to be read because it is a part of a series that I've been waiting on for a while, and to sit down in the morning and read it cover to cover before lunchtime.

I suppose I should mention that I do read pretty quickly, and it was a fairly "fluffy" book.  Also, the margins and spacing where huge, so that makes it fly.  Of course, Catherine was quite happily entertained the entire time.

Catholic Memes is a pretty awesome Facebook page.

Well, I simply can't think of anything interesting to say for #7!  I hope that everyone has a great weekend!  Anyone doing anything awesome this weekend?

For more Quick Takes visit Jen.  

1 comment:

  1. Aw thanks for the shout out! I wish we lived closer too! What book series are you working on?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!