- I have a cold. A nasty, mean, won't-go-away cold. I don't like it.
- This list of Embarrassingly Bad Book Covers is hilarious. I think two of them tie for my "favorite": Huck Finn and Turn of the Screw. I mean, seriously, what where they thinking?!?!? Did they even read the back page synopsis? Which is your "favorite"?
- Can you sign this petition? Basically a German homeschooling family was persecuted (i.e., jailed) in Germany for homeschooling and where granted asylum in the US and now the US is thinking of sending them back. This petition needs 100,000 signatures for Obama to look at it.
- I was able to put an adorable French Braid in Catherine's hair this week. Her hair has been long and thick enough to do it for awhile, but getting her to sit still that long is near impossible. Once I charge the camera batteries I will share a picture. (I somehow managed to kill the batteries to our awesome camera and my point and shoot within a couple hours of one another. Very inconvenient.)
- My goodness, sitting at the computer is exhausting today.
- Does anyone have any great I'm-sick-and-just-want-to-watch-Netflix-and-keep-the-toddler-out-of-trouble recommendations?
- I'm going to be lame, and make this my seventh Quick Take: go visit Jen's blog for more!
Friday, March 22, 2013
7 Quick Takes
Thursday, March 21, 2013
It's Time to Mingle!

We hope you have fun and thanks for joining us! We are so excited to find new blogs, share great ideas, and inspire each other!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
What I'm Working On This Week
I haven't been as busy with my crafting projects as I would like recently. Our little home got hit with a nasty cold bug that brought any progress (on anything . . . crafts, dishes, laundry, etc) to a screeching halt. We're all on the upswing now and are so happy.
I've made a little bit of progress on my giraffe. I think he's looking pretty cute! I also (finally) took the plunge into patchwork quilting. I'm using a small charm pack as the center and will use fabrics from my stash for the boarders and backing.
Frontier Dreams with Nicole
Work In Progress with Tami
Yarn Along with Ginny
Monday, March 18, 2013
Beautiful Red Tote Bag/Purse
Some of you might remember the Crafter's Dream Giveaway from a little while ago. Is anyone curious what the winner chose? She picked this cute red damask purse. I am really happy how it turned out, I just hope that she likes it!
A couple of sewing notes:
I used Simplicity Pattern 2396.
I added quilting batting to the handles. I think this really helps and will do it again.
I did not add a button (again and for the same reasons as last time).
Friday, March 15, 2013
7 Quick Takes
ONE I can't be the only mommy out there who loves to watch ABC Family teen dramas, right? Such as Wildfire? Please tell me that I'm not!
TWO My favorite internet tool is being retired. Google Reader will be no more as of July. I jumped on the Reader bandwagon early, and have loved it! Where will I read my (many) favorite blogs now? (They do have this handy tool to help with the moving process, but I just don't want to move!) What's your favorite way to follow blogs?
THREE I just finished making the prize for my Crafter's Dream Giveaway! I will share it with you next week--so stay tuned, because *I* think that it's pretty cute. I just hope that Stacey likes it!
FOUR My girl has been on a bit of a Finding Nemo kick recently, so while I browsing Fail Blog recently, this one made me stop and smile.
Although, sadly it looks like it is just a part of Walt Disney World, and it looks like this is the original source. Still cool though.
FIVE We recently purchased a doll stroller for Catherine. (Similar to this one, but cheaper.) We even got it brand new, it wasn't from a thrift store or a pass me down. It was seriously money well spent.
SIX We have a new Pope!
SEVEN It's been a bit of a crazy week here -- the hubby was out of town (out of the country, in fact) for most of it and Catherine has had a cold and I'm dealing with a slight eye issue, etc, etc. Here's hoping for a peaceful and relaxing weekend!
For More Quick Takes visit {Here}.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Customizo Pin It to Win It Event/Giveaway (Ends 4/1) US
Welcome to The Pin To Win It With Customizo Event!
I love having something a little bit different from everyone else--that's one reason Customizo is so great, you can have something that is unique! The design studio is super easy to use. It is very simple to either use their free templates, or to upload your own artwork. Whatever you want--you're control!
Have fun with this Pinterst party! Be creative, I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Customizo is an innovative group of sites that help groups with apparel and product design, collaboration and purchasing. With their design tools, group collaboration platform, mobile content integration and centralized hub of fully customizable artwork templates, creating and designing, bringing your designs to life is easy.
Here is your chance to win all 5 pieces of clothing that you "Pinned" to your own Cutomizo Board! For your chance to win, follow the simple steps below:
- Follow Customizo on Pinterest AND The Review Wire on Pinterest Create and Design 5 Items from the Pinterest Party Category on Customizo.com. Use one of the free templates or upload your own artwork to customize your items.
- Save your designs and grab the Share link to post to Pinterest, you will have to create an account to do this.
- Create a Pinterest board and title it "Customizo Fashion" or "Customizo Custom Designs." Make sure to tag each pin with #Customizo!
- Come back and fill out the Giveaway Tools Form with your direct link to your Custom Customizo Board!
Pin It To Win It Giveaway
Three (3) Winners Will Each Receive their Pin It to Win Pit Customizo Board {$125}.
See Form for Entry Details. Open to US. You must be 18 years old to enter to win. Ends April 1, 2013.
See Form for Entry Details. Open to US. You must be 18 years old to enter to win. Ends April 1, 2013.
Disclosure: This event is sponsored by Customizo and hosted by The Review Wire. The Philosopher's Wife is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Companies and bloggers, if you would like to participate in group giveaway events like this one, sign up to be emailed about future events hosted by The Review Wire.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Some Thoughts and Ramblings about Wildfire
I just finished watching Wildfire, an ABC Family series. I have to say, I really enjoyed it! It's not great, and I'll probably forget about it soon enough, but it was good. It also fit perfectly into my "chick-flick-watching-something-without-my-hubby" need. Of course, the series ended in 2008, so no one probably talks about this show anymore!
Except me.
So, here are a few of my thoughts! If you've seen the show, I'd especially love to hear your comments, and since I love comments, I'd love to hear what you have to say even if you haven't seen the show!
There were a few cons:
I think that the audience (me) was supposed to really empathize with Matt Ritter. I found his character annoying. I *think* he was supposed to be the good-cowboy-all-American-boy-next-door, but for me he was just a moody dude who was too easily led which-ever way. Basically, I just saw him as weak.
The series as a whole certainly suffered from a little too much "soap operaness". Relationships rarely lasted more than a few weeks, and they were on-again-off-again to the point of ridiculousness. I like seeing relationships come together early and last (seriously, Hollywood writers, a little more Chandler & Monica and a little less Ross & Rachel, please!).
Also, super cliche insofar as the two main guys are fighting over the main girl.
Even though it was an ABC Family show I would say it is more on the adult side. No graphic sex, but certainly some sexual innuendo and heavy making out that we know where it ends up, even if we don't see it. There are a few instances of mild language, fighting, drinking, and gambling.
I said I enjoyed it though, so dear reader, you might be asking where are the pros?
Nana Visitor. 'Nuff said.
Beautiful horses. Again, 'nuff said.
The stories are griping and engaging. Whenever I finished an episode I wanted to see another one.
Even though it is a teen drama and somewhat of a guilty pleasure, it is enjoyable.
While I found Matt's character to be lacking, I did think that Junior's character was awesome. He had very believable development from the beginning to the end. Ok, so it was somewhat cliched as the rich -kid-who-needs-to-find-himself; however, it was pulled off in a likable manner.
Finally, (SPOILER ALERT!) the right girl and guy end up married in the end. I just love having a show end in marriage--not just getting together or hooking up--but honest to goodness MARRIAGE.
I think that this is finally what did it for me, I just loved the happy ending for the two people that I was rooting for from (almost) the first episode. I am still basking in the simple joy of a happy ending.
Anyways, I liked the show. Maybe you will too!
Get the show from Amazon:
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Except me.
So, here are a few of my thoughts! If you've seen the show, I'd especially love to hear your comments, and since I love comments, I'd love to hear what you have to say even if you haven't seen the show!
There were a few cons:
I think that the audience (me) was supposed to really empathize with Matt Ritter. I found his character annoying. I *think* he was supposed to be the good-cowboy-all-American-boy-next-door, but for me he was just a moody dude who was too easily led which-ever way. Basically, I just saw him as weak.
The series as a whole certainly suffered from a little too much "soap operaness". Relationships rarely lasted more than a few weeks, and they were on-again-off-again to the point of ridiculousness. I like seeing relationships come together early and last (seriously, Hollywood writers, a little more Chandler & Monica and a little less Ross & Rachel, please!).
Also, super cliche insofar as the two main guys are fighting over the main girl.
Even though it was an ABC Family show I would say it is more on the adult side. No graphic sex, but certainly some sexual innuendo and heavy making out that we know where it ends up, even if we don't see it. There are a few instances of mild language, fighting, drinking, and gambling.
I said I enjoyed it though, so dear reader, you might be asking where are the pros?
Nana Visitor. 'Nuff said.
Beautiful horses. Again, 'nuff said.
The stories are griping and engaging. Whenever I finished an episode I wanted to see another one.
Even though it is a teen drama and somewhat of a guilty pleasure, it is enjoyable.
While I found Matt's character to be lacking, I did think that Junior's character was awesome. He had very believable development from the beginning to the end. Ok, so it was somewhat cliched as the rich -kid-who-needs-to-find-himself; however, it was pulled off in a likable manner.
Finally, (SPOILER ALERT!) the right girl and guy end up married in the end. I just love having a show end in marriage--not just getting together or hooking up--but honest to goodness MARRIAGE.
I think that this is finally what did it for me, I just loved the happy ending for the two people that I was rooting for from (almost) the first episode. I am still basking in the simple joy of a happy ending.
Anyways, I liked the show. Maybe you will too!
Get the show from Amazon:
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Crochet Along Cowl(s)
I participated in the Crochet Along over at One Dog Woof, and here are my finished products! I ended up making a total of four cowls based upon the provided pattern. (By the way, I'd love if you'd vote for me, I'm #30!)
"The Potpourri Cowl" is the only one that I followed the pattern exactly. I used a super soft 100% cotton yarn. My daughter has claimed this one as hers.
The second one I made, "The Patriotic Cowl" I added about twenty chains stitches to the foundation chain and also added two additional rows of the v-stitches. This one is also 100% cotton.
"The Lime Green Cowl", the third one that I made, is by far the longest. (If you can call a circular cowl long . . .) I really like this one! It is made with Simply Soft yarn.
My fourth and final cowl, "The Sapphire Cowl" is much more of an all weather decorative accessory than something to keep you warm. I doubled the amount of stitches in the foundation chain and more than doubled the number of v-stitch rows. I used a fine bamboo yarn and only used one strand of yarn. This is a very lightweight cowl.
So what do you think? Do you like the cowls that I made? Which one is your favorite?
Friday, March 8, 2013
7 Quick Takes
For today's Quick Takes I am sharing seven pictures from our visit to the Botanical Gardens. Catherine is the star of the show, even if she was giving me her "goofy" smile all day long!
For more Quick Takes go visit Jen!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
What I'm Working on This Week
This is another version of One Dog Woof's Cowl. She uses double strands of "regular" yarn, while I'm using one strand of a lightweight bamboo yarn, so obviously, I've toyed with the numbers quite a bit. The picture doesn't do this color justice. I love this blue yarn!
Frontier Dreams with Nicole
Work In Progress with Tami
Hookin On Hump Day with Sara
Hookin On Hump Day with Sara
Yarn Along with Ginny
Friday, March 1, 2013
7 Quick Takes Friday
I'd like to invite all of my readers (again) to this On-line Auction to Benefit Washington, a young African boy currently living in an orphanage.
We didn't have much of a winter here, no "real" snow and honestly not that much can't-feel-your-toes weather, but I am ready for spring!
You have to check out my sister's post on how to "paint" with glow sticks. She's pretty awesome with a camera! I wish that we lived closer so that we could have more fun together.
Being a Stay at Home Mom is not always easy. However, it does give me the freedom to discover that one of my library books is due that day, cannot be renewed, but needs to be read because it is a part of a series that I've been waiting on for a while, and to sit down in the morning and read it cover to cover before lunchtime.
I suppose I should mention that I do read pretty quickly, and it was a fairly "fluffy" book. Also, the margins and spacing where huge, so that makes it fly. Of course, Catherine was quite happily entertained the entire time.
Catholic Memes is a pretty awesome Facebook page.
Well, I simply can't think of anything interesting to say for #7! I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Anyone doing anything awesome this weekend?
For more Quick Takes visit Jen.
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