
Sunday, January 13, 2013

#ACraftersDream Sign-ups are OPEN!

A Crafter's Dream Giveaway

Go to Earning My Cape for more information!  

The following are some of the instructions if you're a blogger wishing to participate! (Go to the above link for the full instructions!)

Run your own unique giveaway, worth at least $25 or more, on your own site using Rafflecopter as the entry form. Please set your Rafflecopter to start at 12:01am February 11 and end at 12:01am February 22. You have total control over what you would like to give away (as long as it ties in with our crafting/handcrafted/small business theme) and to whom you will be able to ship (country).

Anytime you tweet about the giveaway, please use the hashtag –#ACraftersDream.

Please write a post announcing you have joined the giveaway, and include the html from the form that you will fill out OR grab the giveaway button and put it in a prominent place to promote it on your site! The more bloggers who sign up, the more entries we ALL get!

Please fill out this form to get started. (It's super easy and will walk you through the whole process!)

AFTER you fill out the form above, THEN you can join our Facebook Group – it is mandatory to join our Facebook Group as this is the primary way we communicate all the business details to you (link in the form).

Please add yourself to the Inlinkz at the bottom of the post at Earning My Cape.

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