I recently had a very
successful trip to the thrift store. While I was there I picked up a few necklaces that I didn't really like, but I thought that the beads had potential to be something awesome.
I had some
fishhook earring finding on hand from a recent
craft store trip, so when I got home from "thrifting" I was able to take apart the necklaces and start working. (I love being able to work on a project while my inspiration is still fresh!)
I'm sure everyone has their own method for putting together jewelry, but here's what I do:
1. Try to find an activity that will hold Catherine's attention for a least a few minutes. (She's two-and-a-half and very much at the "Whatcha doing, Mama?" stage.)
2. Get my materials out. I find it very helpful to make sure that I have everything that I will need before I begin. Once the beading box is open on the table I really can't leave it unattended.
3. Remind Catherine that she can't play with Mommy's toys right now, but maybe when she's older.
4. Lay out all of the beads and findings that I will need. This eliminates last second scrambling, and also ensures that you do, indeed, have all of the pieces that you thought you did.
5. Respond to toddler's adamant statement of "I older now."
6. Put earring #1 together. This is the easy part of the whole process! Simply take your
head pin and put your beads on. Use
rounded pliers to make a loop at the top of the pin for the actual earring. Add the earring and then tighten the loop using regular pliers. Easy peasy.
7. Get snack for toddler. Again.
8. Put earring #2 together. Same as the first.
9. Pick up container of 1,000 seed beads Catherine was using as a Montessori type work. Hey, it kept her entertained, what can I say?
10. Sit back contentedly because I just made a cute pair of earrings and Catherine finally got bored and is playing with her toys.
All of the earrings featured on this page featured a "thrifted" element.
If you like these earrings keep on eye on my Facebook page because I'm going to be having some "flash sales" on these! (UPDATE: This one is over, but there will be more in the future!)
I hope you liked this tutorial on how to make earrings out of thrifted necklaces.
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Rachel: The Philosopher's Wife
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