The following post is a copy of my guest post over at Sugar Bee Crafts from earlier this month.

(I'll leave my little introduction intact, just in case you are a new reader!) Hello, Sugar Bee Crafts Readers! My name is Rachel, and I blog over at The Philosopher's Wife. I like to blog about my life, my crafts, things that matter to me, and whatever piques my interest. I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom for my adorable daughter Catherine and I am wife to my wonderful husband, who, you might have been able to guess, is a Philosopher!
I love making pot-holders! (You can read more about that here.) I'd bet that many of you have a pot-holder loom hanging around the house. It is time to dig it out, because I am going to share a pattern with you today that you're going to want to try!
(Before beginning, I highly recommend using the Harrisville Designs Pot-Holder Loom, but I especially recommend their loops. Many of the loops that are found in craft stores these days are made from a cheap jersey material that is purely for decorative purposes--it even melts when it gets too hot! The Harrisville Design Loops are 100% cotton and make pot-holders that can be used for years!)
Make sure that you have enough of both colors that you intend to use.
Start with Color One (Red) on both ends and add the loops as every other until they meet in the middle, where there should be two Reds. My loom has 18 spokes, so spokes 9 & 10 should both be Color One--in this case, Red.
Do the exact same pattern, again with Color One (Red) on the outer most and in the middle, while doing a basic weave.
Before trying to hook off the ends, push all of the loops towards the center. Do this from all four sides and you should be able to easily crochet the ends together. Add a few stitches with needle and thread to the final loop for added strength.
Have your kids help make some pot-holders and then they can give them as gifts at Christmas. Better yet, put together a couple of cookies-in-a-jar, some hot-chocolate jars, and the pot-holders in a basket with some ribbon and you have a lovely handmade gift that is easily tailored to anyone's tastes.
I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial!
I have another pot-holder tutorial that you might be interested in: the "Houndstooth" How To.
Thank you, Mandy, for this opportunity to guest post!
If you want to get really fancy with this pattern, you can try to make a pot-holder like this one:
As always, I love sharing my projects around blogland.
You can check out some of my favorite places to party on this page.