
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Teaching Time for Toddlers: Elephants

This is from our June zoo visit!
I have to admit, I changed today's topic last minute!  I actually have another post almost finished, but this morning just after Catherine got up she was playing with her Noah's Ark elephant and then she pointed to my crocheted elephant I decided to do an impromptu elephant day!

We always have magnets around!

The internet is such an amazing resource!  We looked online at pictures for almost an hour.  (I just did a basic image search--super simple!)  Some favorites included: a herd of elephants, another herd,  elephant reaching a tree branch, an elephant "hurrying"an elephant on a potty, a little girl with a baby elephant, and so many more!  This gave me a lot of time to talk about elephants--where they live, what they eat, what they do all day, etc.  Of course, we spent a lot of time pointing and talking about tails, tusks, and trunks! (How long can you talk about elephants on the spur of the moment?)

We colored this elephant coloring page. (More coloring pages can be found here, here, and here.)

What have you and your toddler(s) been doing?  Did you do anything new this week?  I'd love to read all about it!  Share anything toddler related here; it could be an activity, a craft, a learning experience, a field trip, potty training experience, tips for mom and dad, etc.  If it is in any way toddler related please link it up!  I've really appreciate if you'd link back to me somehow (text link or grab my button) but I won't hold it against you if you don't.  

This linky will be open all week.


  1. Just posted my link for this week. We had fun experimenting with color and playing in the sink with our farm animals.

    1. Thank you for sharing! Wow, it looks like your little ones had tons of fun!

  2. My one year old LOVES elephants! It's the one animal at the zoo he has to see :) He likes to do an impression of them with is arm as a trunk.

    1. That's so cute! Elephants really are quite fun to see! They aren't super active, but their sheer size and uniqueness makes them so appealing.

  3. What an awesome time you two must have had! And the internet is an amazing place to find excellent lesson plans!

  4. We love elephants! My daughter has had a strange fascination with them lately. She has been putting all of her elephant toys in her dollhouse! Its really cute though. I guess she is not the only one who is fond of them :)

  5. Just posted my link for the magnet masterpieces, thanks for the invite over! My 4 year old is crazy for elephants, btw :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!